Thursday, August 1, 2013

Human Interaction, there isn't an app for that!

Technology has brought us immeasurable benefits; however, in and of itself it does not create nor sustain relationships. In some cases the exclusive use of technology as communication can destroy a relationship. How many times have you received an email or text message and thought, wow, that person is really rude? When in fact they didn't mean to sound "harsh or grumpy", they were just in a hurry. Or maybe you sent a text message and misspelled or misused a word and the receiver of the message took action that you were explicitly asking them to do the opposite. Recently a longtime client sent an email to their property manager asking if they would check on an issue with their financial report. The email came across very casual without urgency but that's not what the client meant to convey. So when the PM checked on the issue and returned the email several days later, the client was very upset that it had taken so long. There was no one at fault here, only a good example of how something very simple goes awry when there is no physical sense of the other person, i.e. tone of voice or body language.

How can we establish a balance between accomplishing tasks quickly through email or text messaging while maintaining quality business relationships? Well, I had this crazy idea! What about actually seeing a client in person every so often??? So I called a few long time clients to see if I could just stop by their office and just say hi. They seemed very taken aback and I believe they thought for sure there must be something up. The visits were enjoyable and they seemed pleasantly surprised there was no "agenda"! A side benefit for me personally, I enjoy connecting with people face to face and to put it simply, it was fun!

Carmen Villarma

Posted by Joanne Vanderhoef
Marketing and Media Specialist

The Management Group
Property and HOA Management in Vancouver WA and Portland OR

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