Friday, March 16, 2012

The best way to keep down weeds!

The number one rule in preventing weeds is to apply at least a 2 inch layer of bark dust over your soil.  If you're soil is bare it's a good idea to put at least a 3 inch layer on top.  

By applying a top dressing of bark dust over soil it deters weeds from sprouting by preventing germination in their roots.  Not only does the bark deter weeds it also keeps your plant roots cool in the summer and warmer in the winter.  Remember to not let the bark dust gather too deep around the base of your plants. 

Another way to prevent weeds is to apply a pre-emergent herbicide to the soil.  The best time to apply a pre-emergent is immediately before the bark dust is applied.  Although it's okay to do after the bark is down it is not quite as effective and should be used with caution around children and pets.  Also remember to follow the instructions on the pre-emergents not allowing the product to get too close to your lawn or plants.  

We often get asked if it's a good idea to lay down a landscape fabric before barkdust is applied to prevent weeds.  The landscapers we work with almost inevitably say no.  They state that as long as you apply the proper pre-emergent and bark dust it is an unnecessary step.

Another good idea is to plant fast growing ground covers such as vinca or hypericum that will take over the soil so the weeds have no space to grow.

Follow these steps:
1)  Remove existing weeds.
2)  Apply a pre-emergent on the soil. 
3)  Install a 2-3 inch layer of bark dust.
4)  Remove any weeds that make it through the bark dust so they do not have time to seed.  The sooner you pull them the easier it is to keep up with them.
5)  Limit the amount of digging in the soil which brings weed seeds to the surface.
6)  Apply a new layer of barkdust every 2-4 years as necessary.

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