Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Why unplug your appliances when not in use?

Did you know that chargers and basic appliances consume energy even when they’re turned off or left in sleep mode? They do. This phantom energy use not only has a negative environmental impact, it’s also a total waste of resources and money. It can really add up—by some estimates 10 percent of monthly energy use is phantom.

Thankfully, reducing your phantom draw is beyond simple. Just unplug your chargers and household appliances when not in use. You can also plug them into power strips—making it really easy to turn off many appliances at once. Or use a smart strip; these automatically turn off power when not in use and are particularly useful in offices and kitchens.


  1. Now I know why our electric bill is still so high even if we’ve managed to minimise our use of home appliances. This is such an informative post; I will share this to my friends.


    Jeff of Best Appliances Online
